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2016 MW&A Summer Newsletter

(2016) – Over the summer we have watched the stock market inch past its highest point, and the national job reports show steady growth. Our economy is definitely looking up. Yet, it seems the philanthropic sector is always the last to feel the positive effects.

But there can be no doubt– the positive economic impact is reflected in everyone’s bottom line. During the first half of 2016 we’ve seen greater investment in staff, creation of new positions and a resurgence of capital campaigns with many of our current and former clients.

Meanwhile, on the giving side, 17 new foundations have emerged in the West Coast region alone, with an anticipated 110+ traditional grant-making foundations nationwide by the end of the year – all with well-defined guidelines and plans to support health, education, social services and the arts. Of course at MW&A we have already begun canvassing many of these new Foundations to discover the viable opportunities that will be coming up in the New Year.

This outreach is invaluable, but as I preach to all our clients, it is all about relationships.   Consider giving us a call about our Foundation Relations and Grant Development program specifically geared to identifying funders best suited to your organization, as well as maximizing your development efforts with each grant request. To view our Summer Newsletter in its entirety, please click here and feel free to forward along to your friends and colleagues.